National Museum of Ethnology
The collection of the National Museum of Ethnology includes around 40.000 objects from different parts of the world, although most of them are from Portugal – mainland and islands – and its former colonies. The museum currently hosts its permanent exhibition “The museum, many things”. It is built around seven rotating main themes: Balinese shadow theatre; dolls from Southwest Angola; pot lids with sayings from Cabinda; masks and puppets from Mali; Portuguese folk music instruments; tallies from Rio de Onor (dedicated to one object); and Franklim’s sculpture (dedicated to one author). This collection draws mainly on the results of an intensive internship programme promoted by the museum. Besides, the museum provides public access to two reserve collections: the Rural Life Galleries featuring objects assembled from the agricultural, grazing, traditional technologies and home utensils collections; and the Amazonian Galleries including objects from around 40 Amazon tribes, especially from Brazil.
The National Museum of Ethnology cannot be dissociated from the history of Portuguese anthropology.
In 1959, an exhibition entitled “Life and Art of the Maconde People” is put together based on research conducted by Jorge Dias on the ethnic minorities of the Portuguese overseas empire. This was the inspiring moment that led to the establishment of the “Museum of Overseas Ethnology” in 1965 having the ethnologist Jorge Dias as its first director. After his death (1973), Ernesto Veiga de Oliveira became the new director of the museum, which became known as the Ethnology Museum.
The museum was transferred from its temporary facilities to a purpose-built building in 1975 and opened its doors the following year. It became part of the Institute of Portuguese Museums in 1990, and became known as National Museum of Ethnology (MNE).
Contents edited by DDCI.
Contacts and
- Governing body:
- Director:
- Paulo Ferreira da Costa
- Address:
- Avenida da Ilha da Madeira 1400-203 Lisboa
- GPS:
- Lat: 38.704894018168346 Long: -9.208519055433726
- Phone(s):
- +351 213 041 160/ 9
- E-mail:
- geral@mnetnologia.dgpc.pt
- Site:
- https://mnetnologia.wordpress.com/
Trains: Linha de Cascais (estação de Belém)
Urban Bus: 28, 714 e 732 (Carris) , 113, 144 (Lisboa Transportes). Autocarro turístico: partida de Belém, junto ao Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.
Standard Ticket: - 5,00 €
DGPC online tickets - buy here
The entrance is free in National Museums and Monuments at sundays and holidays for residents in Portugal.
Children aged 12 and under*
Unemployed EU citizens*
Visitors with reduced mobility (60% disability with documents to prove it) accompanied by one attendant.
ICOM, ICOMOS and APOM members
Researchers /conservators/restorers, museum and/or heritage professionals during the course of their work*
Cultural associations (exclusively for groups of friends of museums, monuments, palaces, castles and archaeological sites)*
Volunteers working for the DGPC with one accompanying person*
European Heritage Days (Sunday)
International Day of Monuments and Sites - 18 April (exclusively for DGPC Monuments)
International Museum Day - 18 May (exclusively for DGPC museums and palaces)
Late-night Museums and Thursday Nights (access restricted to activities organised by the DGPC)
Tourism professionals upon presentation of a proof of registration with the RNAAT
Journalists during the course of their work* with prior notice
DGPC employees* with 3 accompanying persons
Teachers and students of any level of education, including universities for senior citizens, during study visits duly proven, and upon prior reservation confirmed by the relevant Dependent Service*
Groups of accredited Portuguese welfare institutions or social work departments of municipalities or other public interest institutions. Prior approval is required from the DGPC executive board.
* Proof of entitlement required.
Visitors aged 65 or older* - 50%
Student’s card (not for study visits) - 50%
Youth Card - 50%
Family ticket 1/2 adults + 2 children) - 50%
Protocols with third party institutions - 20%
Purchase of over 250 tickets per visit with a minimum 48h notice – 7.5%
Purchase of over 500 tickets per visit with a minimum 48h notice - 10%
Purchase of over 1000 tickets per visit with a minimum 48h notice - 15%
Combined Tickets
Ethnology and Folk Art: Museum of Folk Art + Ethnology Museum - 4,00 €
General Rules
Advance reservation required for groups exceeding 50 persons.
Concessions for bulk tickets will not apply to Combined Tickets.
All concessions applicable to individual tickets will apply to Combined Tickets and guided tours, except for guided tours after closing time.
Advance purchase vouchers are valid up to one year.
Concessions cannot be combined with any other offers.
Smoking or eating is not allowed during visits.
* Proof of entitlement required.
Previously booked tours
Groups: 5 - 25 people
Schools: Wednesdays and Fridays.
Other Groups:
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 14h30 - Rural Life Galleries Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 15h30 - Amazonian Galleries Booking Schedule: Wednesdays 9h30 -13h00; 14h00 - 17h30
Previously booked tours
Groups: 5 - 25 people
Schools: Wednesdays and Fridays.
Other Groups:
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 14h30 - Rural Life Galleries Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 15h30 - Amazonian Galleries Booking Schedule: Wednesdays 9h30 -13h00; 14h00 - 17h30
Cultural Agenda
De Regresso à Luz. Esculturas orientais em depósito da Coleção de Victor Bandeira / Back to the Light. Oriental sculptures on deposit from Victor Bandeira’s Collection -
Arquitetura Timorense -
Cartas do Brasil: Correspondência de Antropólogos e Folcloristas Brasileiros para Jorge Dias (1949-1972) -
Peoples and Cultures. Overseas Museum of Ethnology Lisbon -
Lamelofones do Museu Nacional de Etnologia -
Motivos Artísticos Timorenses e a sua Integração -
Artefactos Melanésio. Relexões Pós-Modernistas | Malesian Artefacts Postmodernist Reflections -
Os Tauaras do Vale do Zambeze -
Singing Pictures. Art and Performance of Naya’s Women Catálogo de exposição (no idioma inglês)
Last change: 31 August 2023
Rede Portuguesa de Museus
A Rede Portuguesa de Museus (RPM) é um sistema organizado de museus, baseado na adesão voluntária, configurado de forma progressiva e que visa a descentralização, a mediação, a qualificação e a cooperação entre museus.
A Rede Portuguesa de Museus é composta pelos 165 museus que atualmente a integram. A riqueza do seu universo reside na diversidade de tutelas, de coleções, de espaços e instalações, de atividades educativas e culturais, de modelos de relação com as comunidades e de sistemas de gestão.