National Palace of Mafra
This Baroque architectural complex encompasses a Royal Palace, a Basilica and a Convent. It boasts important collections of Italian sculpture, Italian and Portuguese paintings, a unique library, two carillons, six historic organs and an 18th-century hospital. It belongs to the Network of European Royal Residences
Commissioned by King D. João V to fulfil a vote of succession, the Palace of Mafra is Portugal’s most important Baroque monument.Built from local lioz stone, it spreads along 38.000m, comprising 1.200 rooms, 4.700 doors and windows and 156 stairs. Such magnificence was only possible due to the Brazilian gold that poured into the country. The King spared no expense as he ordered sculptures and paintings from Italian and Portuguese Master Builders and two carillons with 92 bells found to be the greatest of their time. The Palace also boasts six historic organs in the Basilica, an important 18th-century library with around 38.000 volumes and a Convent Nucleus including a period hospital. Even though it was not used as a permanent residence by the Royal Family, the Palace of Mafra was regularly visited by kings, who came to attend religious feasts or to hunt in the game reserve.
Contents edited by DDCI.
Contacts and
- Governing body:
- Director:
- Sérgio Gorjão
- Address:
- Terreiro D. João V - 2640-492 Mafra
- GPS:
- Lat: 38.93695821604987 Long: -9.327257779762249
- Phone(s):
- +351 261 817 550 | Mais contactos nesta página, em Recursos
- Fax(s):
- +351 261 811 947
- E-mail:
- geral@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
- Site:
- http://www.patrimoniocultural.gov.pt/pt/museus-e-monumentos/rede-portuguesa/m/palacio-nacional-de-mafra/
Urban Bus: Autocarros de Mafrense com partidas da Ericeira, Sintra e Lisboa (Campo Grande).
Palace and Basilica: Everyday except tuesdays, from 9h00 to 17h30 (last admission at 16h45).
Library (services for readers): Open every day, except thursday from 9h30 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 17h00.
Closed on Tuesdays and on 1st January, Easter Sunday, 1st May and 25th december.
Standard Ticket: - 8,00 €
Special Ticket Terrace - 5,00€
DGPC online tickets - buy here
Conditions of entry to DGPC Museums and Monuments (Order no. 6475/2014) – click here
The entrance is free in National Museums and Monuments at sundays and holidays for residents in Portugal. This is not applicable to groups of 12 and more.
Children aged 12 and under*
Unemployed EU citizens*
Visitors with reduced mobility (60% disability with documents to prove it) accompanied by one attendant.
ICOM, ICOMOS and APOM members
Researchers /conservators/restorers, museum and/or heritage professionals during the course of their work*
Cultural associations (exclusively for groups of friends of museums, monuments, palaces, castles and archaeological sites)*
Volunteers working for the DGPC with one accompanying person*
European Heritage Days (Sunday)
International Day of Monuments and Sites - 18 April (exclusively for DGPC Monuments)
International Museum Day - 18 May (exclusively for DGPC museums and palaces)
Late-night Museums and Thursday Nights (access restricted to activities organised by the DGPC)
Tourism professionals upon presentation of a proof of registration with the RNAAT
Journalists during the course of their work* with prior notice
DGPC employees* with 3 accompanying persons
Teachers and students of any level of education, including universities for senior citizens, during study visits duly proven, and upon prior reservation confirmed by the relevant Dependent Service*
Groups of accredited Portuguese welfare institutions or social work departments of municipalities or other public interest institutions. Prior approval is required from the DGPC executive board.
* Proof of entitlement required.
Visitors aged 65 or older* - 50%
Student’s card (not for study visits) - 50%
Youth Card - 50%
Family ticket (1/2 adults + 2 childre under 18) - 50%
Protocols with third party institutions - 20%
Purchase of over 250 tickets per visit with a minimum 48h notice – 7.5%
Purchase of over 500 tickets per visit with a minimum 48h notice - 10%
Purchase of over 1000 tickets per visit with a minimum 48h notice - 15%
General Rules
Advance reservation required for groups exceeding 50 persons.
Concessions for bulk tickets will not apply to Combined Tickets.
All concessions applicable to individual tickets will apply to Combined Tickets and guided tours, except for guided tours after closing time.
Advance purchase vouchers are valid up to one year.
Concessions cannot be combined with any other offers.
Smoking or eating is not allowed during visits.
* Proof of entitlement required.
- Library
- Venue hire
- Shop- Replicas of collection artifacts, scientific and didactic publications and postcards.
- Education Service
- Volunteering.
Tel. +351 261 817 554 | E-mail: servicoseducativos@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Type of activity (advance reservation): guided tours; animated tours – pre-school and primary education; theme tours for different levels of education: Life in the 18th century, Absolute Power/Baroque, Memorial do Convento (historic context); Theatre: Re-enactment of the book Memorial do Convento; visits for families.
For further information, please visit the Palace’s website.
Palácio Nacional de Mafra
Terreiro D. João V, 2640-492 Mafra, Portugal
Tel.: 261 817 550
Fax: 261 811 947
E-mail: geral@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Sérgio Gorjão
E-mail: geral@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Elizabete Barão (coordenadora)
E-mail: ebarao@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Adriana Medeiros
E-mail: amedeiros@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Biblioteca, documentação e investigação
Maria Teresa Amaral (bibliotecária coordenadora)
E-mail: teresaamaral@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Clotilde Mendes
E-mail: clotildemendes@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Mafalda Nobre
E-mail: mafaldanobre@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Fotografias e filmagens
Paulo Salcedas
E-mail: psalcedas@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Comunicação e informação
Sónia Silva
E-mail: ssilva@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Gestão de coleções
João Vaz
E-mail: joaovaz@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Maria João Brandão
E-mail: mjoaobrandao@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Filipe Martinho
E-mail: filipemartinho@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Rita Miranda
E-mail: rmiranda@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Serviços Educativos
Tel.: 261 817 554
E-mail: servicoseducativos@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Maria Fernanda Santos (coordenadora)
E-mail: fernandasantos@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Filomena Ruivo
E-mail: filomenaruivo@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Paulo Salcedas
E-mail: psalcedas@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Sónia Silva
E-mail: ssilva@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Serviços educativos - prestadores externos
E-mail: servicoseducativos@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Câmara dos Ofícios (Animação e visitas)
Tempocardinal (Animação e visitas)
Éter Cultural (teatro)
Loja e cedências de espaços
Maria João Brandão
E-mail: mjoaobrandao@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Estágios e voluntariado
Filomena Ruivo
E-mail: filomenaruivo@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Plano de Segurança
Maria Teresa Amaral (responsável)
E-mail: teresaamaral@pnmafra.dgpc.pt
Segurança - prestação externa
Cultural Agenda
Exposição "MAGIA - Um Olhar Sobre um Tesouro Oculto" -
Atividades diversas
"Aqui há História(s)" -
Atividades diversas
"O Rei Faz Anos" no Palácio Nacional de Mafra -
Concerto de Música Sacra-Capella Duriensis, Ensemble Vocal -
Concerto de cravo por Ana Mafalda Castro -
Concerto de Reis -
Presentations/ Book releases
"1821 - O Regresso do Rei / A Viagem de D. João VI e a Chegada da Corte a Portugal". Apresentação da obra de Armando Seixas Ferreira, por Filipe Pessanha -
XI Ciclo de Concertos a Seis Órgãos -
Atividades diversas
Comemoração do 4.º aniversário da inscrição do Real Edifício de Mafra na Lista do Património Mundial -
Festival Internacional de Carrilhão 2023 -
Atividades diversas
Noite Internacional dos Morcegos
Palácio Nacional de Mafra. Guia Oficial -
Luz e Sombra. A Sustentável Leveza da Forma -
Catálogo da Exposição Do Tratado à Obra. Génese da Arte e da Arquitetura no Palácio Nacional de Mafra -
The National Palace of Mafra. Official Guide -
Palais National de Mafra. Guide Officiel -
O Projeto de D. João V: Lisboa Ocidental, Mafra e o Urbanismo Cenográfico de Filippo Juvarra
Last change: 07 November 2023
Rede Portuguesa de Museus
A Rede Portuguesa de Museus (RPM) é um sistema organizado de museus, baseado na adesão voluntária, configurado de forma progressiva e que visa a descentralização, a mediação, a qualificação e a cooperação entre museus.
A Rede Portuguesa de Museus é composta pelos 165 museus que atualmente a integram. A riqueza do seu universo reside na diversidade de tutelas, de coleções, de espaços e instalações, de atividades educativas e culturais, de modelos de relação com as comunidades e de sistemas de gestão.