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Património Cultural

Managing Archaeological Collections

Managing movable archaeological resources originating from the implementation of archaeological works is a responsibility of the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage. A number of initiatives are now in progress such as the following:

· Survey and diagnosis of the “national network of archaeological reserves” from museums having archaeological collections;

· Processing of Enquiries from the “Archaeological Reserves Work Group”;

· Survey and diagnosis of the current situation (location and administrative records) of archaeological resources originating from the implementation of archaeological works;

· Development of a strategy for the deposit and transfer of archaeological collections;

· Standardisation of criteria and procedures for the deposit and transfer of archaeological collections;

· Standardisation of criteria for accrediting archaeological reserves;

· Standardisation of criteria for organising archaeological collection deposits.



Palácio Nacional da Ajuda
1349-021 Lisboa
T. +351 21 361 42 40


Novo Regulamento de Trabalhos Arqueológicos - Decreto-lei nº 164/2014, de 4 de novembro 

Lei de bases da política e do regime de protecção e valorização do Património Cultural Lei 107/2001 de 8 de setembro

Lei-Quadro dos Museus Portugueses - Lei n.º 47/2004 de 19 de agosto