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Património Cultural

Movable Heritage

The basic structure for the DGPC’s central services was defined by Ordinance no. 223/2012, of 24 July. Accordingly, the Department of Cultural Assets and the Department of Museums, Conservation and  Accreditation  have the following responsibilities  as regards Movable Heritage: 

Department of Cultural Assets: 

• To set up the procedure for listing and de-listing movable cultural assets and to give advice about proposals for listing or inventorying movable cultural assets not  included in the collections of the museums and services of the DGPC; 

• To organize and update the information system for movable cultural heritage, either listed or awaiting listing, and to ensure that this information is made available pursuant to the rights enshrined in the Constitution and to the provisions on the protection of personal data; 

• To ensure the inspection of listed movable cultural assets, propose measures deemed necessary for safeguarding movable cultural assets, listed or awaiting listing, and to enforce legal provisions so as to ensure their adequate protection and safeguarding; 

• To decide whether or not movable cultural assets can be dispatched and exported, temporarily or permanently, and to monitor the import  and admission of movable cultural heritage with a view to safeguarding and enhancing movable cultural heritage  and preventing illicit  traffic of cultural property; 

• To decide whether or not proposals for purchasing movable cultural assets should be accepted and if the State is to exercise its pre-emption rights in case of sale or transfer in lieu of payment  of movable cultural property; 

• To monitor matters relating to the restitution of movable cultural assets among States of the European Union or any other States on a basis of reciprocity and, within this framework,  to pronounce judgement on restitution requests;

• To conduct analyses on assets from archaeological works or random findings, provide measures for their adequate conservation and propose a location for their storage and provisional deposit ; 

• To monitor the storage of archaeological assets and make sure that they are inventoried and listed  through  the creation of a nationwide network for storing assets from archaeological works or random finds, as well as propose their permanent  incorporation in liaison with the Museums and Accreditation Division; 

• To promote the study, safeguarding and enhancing of nautical and underwater archaeological assets, movable and immovable, listed or awaiting listing, as well non-listed assets, even if they are not located in archaeological reserves; through actions and programmes of emergency, preventive action and monitoring or for analysis, conservation, monitoring, identification and assessment of random finds, whether or not they have been officially declared ;or also through projects meant to further knowledge about nautical and underwater cultural heritage.

Department of Museums, Conservation and Accreditation: 

• To promote the study, research and dissemination of the collections of dependent museums, to ensure their management and monitor the incorporation of movable cultural heritage, including archaeological assets, in the DGPC’s museums. This also includes developing an acquisition policy, reorganising collections,  transferring movable cultural heritage and accepting objects on deposit, donations and legacies;
• To carry out actions for conservation and restoration of movable cultural heritage from properties that are  under the custody of the DGPC in accordance with an annual and multiannual  priority  list made in liaison with the DEPOF; 

• To decide on the viability of projects for conservation and restoration of movable cultural heritage, listed or awaiting listing,  as well as carry out conservation and restoration works on movable cultural heritage of national interest or of public interest or, on an exceptional basis, on non-listed property that is deemed to have historic, artistic, technical or scientific value that will justify becoming a benchmark  in safeguarding and conserving the movable cultural heritage;

• To support the dependent museums, in liaison with the DBC, in conducting studies about  intangible heritage associated with their collections. 

Roma�P s-R�86�uage:EN-US;mso-fareast-language: PT'>Attention is drawn to the last volume of the collection “Museum Themes” entitled Preventive Conservation Plan establishing the guidelines, rules and procedures in this area.