Search the immoveable heritage
The collections of Museums and Palaces under the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage are available on the Internet through MatrizNet.This Collective Catalogue of Museums has been online since 2002 and to date it is the only one of its kind in Portuguese. It provides information (in text, image, video and sound formats) on more than 100,000 objects, as well as related information on movable, immovable and intangible heritage.
MatrizNet allows simultaneous search of 34 museum databases, which include, in addition to the aforementioned Museums and Palaces of DGPC, the Museums under the Regional Directorates of Culture of the North, Centre and Alentejo, as well as the Palaces managed by Sintra/Montes da Lua Parks. MatrizNet is the interface of publication on the Internet of DGPC’s programme 3.0 Matrix program – Inventory, Management and Dissemination of Heritage. It has different types of search, both in Portuguese and in English.
Similarly, the photographic collections of the same Museums and Palaces are publicly accessible through the MatrizPix, an information system with search interface in Portuguese and English. It is also possible to order and make available high-resolution images totally paper free.